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In our partly newly renovated, partly traditional guest rooms (30-40 beds in total) you will find peace and rest. Thanks to the off-road location,
our house is surrounded by nature and village life.

In our partly newly renovated, partly traditional guest rooms (30-40 beds in total) you will find peace and rest. Thanks to the off-road location,
our house is surrounded by nature and village life. Our more than 180 years old building is characterized by unique structural features giving each room an individual and cozy character. No two rooms are alike. However, alle our rooms have shower/toilet, TV, morning or evening sun. Additionally, the guest balcony with a magnificent view of the Salem Valley and Heiligenberg Castle is available to all guests for common use.


Cuddling or rather safety distance? You choose.

Size: approx. 16-17 sqm | Price from: 98 €


Square, classical, good.

Size:  approx. 16-18 sqm | Price from: 102 €


Whether traveling on business or enjoying the peace and quiet of a single vacation:
All of our double rooms (with the exception of holiday apartments) can also be booked for single use.
For them we charge 82 € per night, including breakfast. Contact us directly


A fresh breeze in old walls.

Size: approx. 23-27 sqm | Price from: 120 €


Room for more.

Size: approx. 31-37 sqm | Preis from: 130 €